If you’d like to fund our ability to give out vials to groups who distribute them for free, you can do so by donating to one of the following addresses. This fund is used *at or below* production cost, not at sale cost. These addresses are separate from our main wallets used during checkout. Please do not send to them for your specific order. If you run an org that distributes to at least 10 people locally and can provide proof, please email admin (at) teahrt dot com for consideration
Current raw cost to make a vial is in the range of 5-12$, dependent on ester, concentration, and other factors.
XMR: 42SdizLtBq7GcRfF7Cj5MsC4p72SgD7ZSicrVe4kiEaBAtDGtXyjzedVixQSX2NJDCYKiRunrJyE5UjCXVZCp4R7LEu9mn9
BTC: bc1qreswhh27mw2h933lu44dgheqyd4s68f5zy96lr
ETH: 0x594c62b91bbeb1402CA305AEAD9276589190D324LTC: La7U2aimBtEmm9uozEZMTSteJbLDrDagfb
If you have another crypto you’d like to throw into this, feel free to contact us.
We’re at capacity for the mutual aid project. We’re working on finding the highest impact way of distributing the vials and sincerely thank those who contributed.
Raised ~1300$ / ~173 EEn vials as of 2/6
Potential legal fee jar
This tip jar will fund any potential legal fees should the need arise.
XMR: 49aaMge9QusjA4CbVvMKH5NjgShWituVX9Qy742ryLviJid9jDTw2Bh52zqiWoT1ZNTu3rtVriEuHGEq9BqWDy7DEMCQCHq
BTC: bc1qfc3eexsczj6kc6juxea6t8jtu2jrxkhtyry4xh
ETH: 0xfB7cf06d48CEcb3fE1616875AeEfc827fF9c1566
LTC: LY83vCsqHKiSWVEtxWLiDoqEkW2ATbui58