
TeaHRT is a collective of two transfems, a laboratory trained chemist, and and a computer scientist dedicated to offering accessible, affordable, and life-saving healthcare to individuals in the United States, and worldwide.

We use our products ourselves and have provided them to friends.

There is a distinct lack of opportunity, especially in certain states, of medical care that TeaHRT is devoted to solving.

We endeavor to maintain sterility of our vials and product through the use of HPLC analysis, vacuum filtration, depyrogenation, autoclaving, and terminal sterilization. We use practices consistent with other DIYHRT manufacturers, and use lab techniques that have been drilled for years.

We do not provide dosing recommendations for (most) vials, as we cannot take into account individual physiology. A link is provided to outside sources. https://transfemscience.org/ is a great place for more information. As with any hormone products, blood testing is paramount to ensure your dosing is correct. Please do not use our products without having prior blood work at the same dose, or without getting blood work if you are new.

While we stand by the sterility and effectiveness of our product, we cannot guarantee the same consistency as pharmaceutical preparations. The legal route, if possible is always the best route. Our service is provided for those who do not have access, or cannot afford healthcare the traditional route.


little psuedomanifesto for if you’re still reading.

Look if you’ve gotten this far then you’re obviously interested in DIY, or you just like to browse the site. There is an ongoing attack against homebrew as a concept, with both people from the left and right (globally) coming down against it.

This isn’t getting better, it’s getting worse and there’s only a few ways to fight it.

It does not take a chemist to make gel, sublingual or even injections small scale for personal use or to distribute locally. And that’s what you should learn to do. I won’t hold your hand throughout the entire process, but if you’re able to do some research on your own it’s not super difficult to do.

A few hundred dollars is all you need to get started, you’ll be doing yourself a favor and strengthening the decentralized flow of life saving medication that it seems like endless people want gone.

Known homebrewers are not going to be around forever. New people may be good, new people may be bad, what will you be? Please do what you can to support the DIY community.